"Where Lifelong Learning Begins"


"Where Lifelong Learning Begins"

HQIS offers a balanced curriculum from nursery to high school based on IB PYP and AP, supported by personalized college and career counseling. There are built-in opportunities for students to develop themselves through student societies and service committees. The curriculum offers academic challenge, breadth, and modern skills. The campus has world-class facilities with a green school design. Students are encouraged to be guardians of the planet and ambassadors to the community, to lead with their hearts, achieve with their minds and grow in knowledge and skills. HQIS believes in inclusion, the development of character, identity, respect, and global leadership.
Date Founded
Grade levels
Nursery to Grade 12 (18 months to 18 years old)
Emergent Curriculum (18 months – 3 years old), IB-PYP (3 – 12 years old), American Curriculum Standards (Common Core & AP, 12 – 18 years old)
Languages taught
Language of Instruction: English; Additional Language: Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, French
Annual Tuition
¥173,500 – ¥247,800/year
School Strengths
First-class international education; 100% progression to top universities; Fully comprehensive K-12 curriculum; Small classes; Modern facilities and green design; College counseling; Located in cosmopolitan Gubei area
Contact Information
Campus name :Shanghai Hong Qiao International School (HQIS)
Campus address:218 South Yili Road, Changning District
Campus email:admissions@hqis.org
Campus contact: +86 (21) 6268 2074 ; +86 (21) 6268 9773
Campus wechat:RBIS-HQIS