When my little bundle of joy came onto this earth, I thought I could preserve the chastity of my apartment for at least a year. I estimated by around the age of two he would begin his reign of chaos.
Little did I know that my son is, perhaps, part Viking? The ransacking and pillaging of every nook and cranny has begun and I do not expect it to stop for at least ten years. Arthur’s favourite target is the chest of drawers, with its limitless bounty of fascinating treasures within. Oh, to be thrilled by socks once more.
Just as kids prefer to play with the box rather than the toy inside it, any area of the house can become some kind of IB learning station. Phone chargers and hot water bottles, previously thought of as lost forever are expertly recovered on his roving home-archaeology. So at least we get a kind of inadvertant apartment stock-take out of it.
As he fearlessly embarks on his barbarian voyage of discovery, we constructed a cushion Great Wall around the Holy grail of the cable box and multi plug adaptor mini-city, that lies behind the TV.
As he slowly draws his plans to conquer this, his current trophy is the roll of sellotape. The final stretch to reach this on top of a towering sidetable was a legendary feat for him, and he's not letting the sellotape go anytime soon.
I gladly let him grip onto the circular representation of dedication and bravery — just don't be unhappy if any of you receive an unwrapped Christmas present this year.
Photo by Silver Cloud Studio
Nanhui Road, Nanjing West