Breastfeeding Explained

By United Family 2019-11-22 16:43:51

Learn about common breastfeeding problems and find the solution that works for you from United Family

How do women get their babies to latch on most effectively?

AA breastfeeding latch is how a baby attaches to their mother's breast to breastfeed. When your child connects to your breast correctly, the movements of their jaw and tongue squeeze the milk ducts below the areola to remove the breastmilk from your breast. It is essential to be patient and appreciate the natural intelligence of your baby. She/he will slowly begin to move towards the chest. Provide support, but it is crucial to avoid directing your baby. They will locate the nipple and latch-on with minimal assistance. Place your baby belly-down, directly on your chest, skin to skin. Holding your newborn via this methodology is one of the most effective breastfeeding approaches. Listen for the sound of their gulping to ensure that your baby is drinking the milk.

If a mother is experiencing nipple pain, what ways can she lessen this?

ATo reduce pain, apply cold compresses to your nipples after breastfeeding or use gel pads on dry nipples. If your nipples are very sore, placing breast shields inside your bra to prevent contact between clothes and nipples may help. Use hydrogel pads to help soothe and heal sore or cracked nipples. One alternative solution could be to feed for a shorter duration but provide more frequent feedings. The pain could also due to your breasts being full, in which you could hand express some milk. These measures may help you resolve common problems with sore nipples but be aware that continuous pain can indicate a more severe problem. Please seek further help if the pain persists.

Some women experience a low milk supply, what can they do to increase this?

AThe most common cause of low breast milk supply is a poor latch. The removal of your breast milk from your breasts is what tells your body to make more breast milk. So, if your baby isn't latching on correctly, your milk supply will suffer. It also may take time, and once again, patience is vital if you find your milk supply is low. Although it may take at least a month to bring your amount up to meet your baby's needs, you will most likely see a steady and gradual improvement. Breastfeed more frequently, at least 8-12 times during the day.

What are the most common problems that new mothers may experience while breastfeeding, and how can they overcome these?

AOther than sore nipples and low milk supply, another common problem is painfully full breasts due to inadequate milk removal. For example, your baby doesn't nurse often or long enough, and your breasts become overfilled with milk. To avoid this, nurse your baby often – eight to 12 times a day with both breasts, if you can. Don't skip feedings, and continue to nurse your child during the night as well as during the day. To treat this, express milk between feedings, either manually or with a breast pump. Take a warm shower or place a warm compress on your breasts to encourage milk flow. Some doctors recommend using a warm compress while nursing and following up with a cold compress between feedings. If you are severely engorged, warmth may aggravate the situation (by increasing blood flow to the area), so consider trying cool compresses as you express the milk.

All babies cry, and some more than others. Crying is your baby's way of telling you they need comfort and care. Sometimes it's easy to work out what they want, and others less so. Try some of the following ways to comfort your baby. Some may work better than others:

• If you're breastfeeding, let your baby suckle at your breast. Offer a finger (or pacifier) for the baby to suck on for a minute or two. Suckling is a way babies soothe themselves.

• Having some gentle noise in the background may help distract your baby.

• Try a warm bath - this calms some babies instantly but makes others cry even more.

• Sometimes too much rocking and singing can keep your baby awake. You might find lying them down after a feed will help.

But most importantly stay calm as babies are sensitive to your stress level. Remain relaxed despite your lack of sleep, and your baby will reciprocate this feeling.

Are there classes or groups that women can attend to gain help and gain valuable insights?

AAt SHU there is a prenatal class and also a midwife clinic. We welcome all of our prospective mothers and fathers to attend the course. Furthermore, we have a midwife clinic specifically for our prenatal mothers. Moreover, we do provide prenatal classes for all mothers with thoroughly trained and certified professionals, which includes prenatal care, pain relief, the labour process, breastfeeding skills and newborn care.

For more details of the courses, please check our website or follow our WeChat account.

You can book an appointment with United Family Healthcare’s mental health professionals by visiting their website and choosing one of the many United Family facilities around China that best suits you and your family.

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