It is hard to be away from your loved ones, and it is even harder when we cannot take a flight whenever we want to visit. As much as we like to think technology is a friend, trying to connect and communicate with your family members across time zones are not easy. If you find it difficult, you are not alone.
I think we all agree that there are moments where we feel a bit overwhelmed. Imagine when you are talking to your family all night long, then you have to go to work early in the morning. Your day is not going to be productive and smooth. Here are some tips that are tested to make it a little bit easier to cope with.
Routines are crucial for a long-distance relationship across different time zones, because it becomes more important than a quick phone call. Talk to your family members by scheduling a time in advance. Other things you will need to take into consideration is whether you are a morning or evening person. Work your call around your schedule. This way it gets easier to communicate and be present for them.
So, you always make a call or video call to your family members. That is wonderful. But the important part is expressing your affection of love. Do not hold back your feelings. Saying simple phrases like, ‘I love you’ goes a long way. Your loved ones can feel it even though they are a thousand miles away from you. Once in a while your kid, wife, or husband might show something new they bought. Praise them, compliment them.
During this difficult time that is overloaded with uncertainties, do not forget to show your support and care for them. If they need someone to talk to, be there for them.
Technology is amazing especially when you are doing long distance across different time zones. However, you still can create a personal touch, such as sending personalised post cards, gifts, and care packages. Unlike technology, where it takes seconds to send and receive texts, a gift takes time to receive. But that is okay because it’s whats make it so special and heart-warming once you or other family members receive it.
Practicing patience is important in this situation. Some days you may not receive texts or e-mails instantly, and you might start feeling anxious and insecure. Do not fall into the trap of wanting instant replies or answers. Your loved ones are probably busy at that exact moment, but eventually they will get back to you.
Lastly, show compassion. There are families who are separated and won’t meet anytime soon. Show them support, as they may have a smile on their face, but deep inside they are vulnerable and miss their family so much.