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THE TWINS餐厅由双立人及Cornelia Poletto联合管理。地中海风情的诱人美馔,分别在Casual Dining休闲餐厅和Fine Dining精致餐厅里绽放呈现,午市侧重商务套餐,晚间则可深度体验各类美食。餐厅及厨房内所用器物,多为双立人集团旗下品牌。
The design of the “THE TWINS” dining area allowed a higher range of customization and creative interior solutions. The Wine-Bar invites to taste and chat seated on wooden stools while cozy armchairs welcome clients at the Food-Bar that serves fast and cold dishes. The Informal Restaurant offers seats at both sides of the counter-table for more relaxing or casual business luncheons or dinner. The exclusive and private Fine Dining area features more sophisticated materials and decorations. A wooden walkway into the terrazzo floor leads to a further VIP room.
Address: W201 Taikoo Hui, No. 286, 1st Shimen Road, Shanghai
地址: 上海市石门一路286号兴业太古汇W201
Telephone 电话: 021-52555659